Very few could portray the significance of presence into the teaching for others, Spirituality- as called often. Turning each page, reading throughout, one was able to write how this all could be right with a change growing from deep inside. When the soul is listened to instead of the mind, no mindful thoughts exist, and nothing stays around after except joy and ease. No sufferings would be possible if marks of the soul right in this moment are enlightened. Isn’t it the same we must not be talking about when we aspire to change? Over the years, the spirituality has been turned into words, written onto the pages, and gathered and printed into books and sold on the shelves of non-crowded bookstores. While turning the pages, marking the living expressions of those words, one can live in a rightful manner for a moment and then, as book closes, the hardest part hits- Reality. People walk into reality, finding it almost impossible to implement what was read in the books.
Spirituality, often confined to words on pages, struggles to bridge the gap to real-life implementation, leaving many unable to apply its teachings in the face of reality. Author – Light of peace
It is now a two-way road, and we are to make a choice now, a decision. It is right in the deep darkness, where none of us is looking for the light. Writings are read by a few, and a few turn it into practicality. Those who have succeeded, I call them now, right this moment, to come, walk along and show the kindness to this world. It must be done starting right this minute, this trend must get into the limelight. It is to be done through the people who know it can be rectified only if we choose right now, right this moment, not next hour, not tomorrow, not next year. Let’s talk more and more about what is positive and what returns your energy in an optimistic way. Be it the books or the videos or the groups, anything, let yourself absorb what’s good in those and choose wisely what needs to be eliminated in order to survive being more humane. Choose silence where your reply would not change anything, instead show off the best way to keep your contentment, just by smiling. If problems cannot be dealt with right now, do not let them deal with your calmness. Be an example, JUST BE IT, make them aware of the sense of being around someone owning serenity. THERE STARTS THE CHANGE. Humanity needs holding hands for its survival. Let ourselves join, to find the peace within and then spread it by living among those who need to learn to look for it in their present, not for the sake of give and take, not for showing off, not for teachings, but for learning how to be kind to each other. DON’T LOOSE YOUR PEACE IN THE PROCESS. Be what you want the world to be. THERE STARTS THE CHANGE. Let us show it to the world how kindness can change the meaning to everything and start it from those who are ready for the change. The struggles of everyone who is around, even if they are not known, are to be dealt with being kind and just choosing to be humane every single time.