Can You Hear Me??

I am the soul; I am the existence that gives the meaning to your living. I am here giving you the very first blink when you see situations around you. I give you the starting point, however your mind gives you judgements and thought and labels for things and people around you. I am just supressed by the mind thought sometimes, but remember, I am still here keeping you a good company. I can not think of a time when you were alone as I have been holding you tighter since you opened your eyes. Can you think of that time when you just did not do it because you thought you do not feel like doing it? Probably, it was me sending signals for you not to do it. Could you gather my signs then? Were you able to figure it out later that it was better not doing it?

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Author – Light Of Peace

I know you don’t feel like moving on right now, you are stuck in this stressful situation, and You know it very well that nobody gets you better than me in this very moment. Could you hear me saying that it is temporary, and it is going to pass and there are stars on their way to you to light up your life? Please believe me because if you do, it will really happen. We just got to wait for some time and know that it is better the way it is right now. Let me remind you this as well that ego, showing off, the urge to be the perfectionist, acting cool when people are around and isolating the self will take me away from you and we, both, might not be existing then and will put everything to an end. I know that it is not what we dreamed of when You and me together planned to stay happy and grow to bring the better to this world. If you can’t hear me, then please look for me. Keep that hope of yours alive to find me and know that if you start looking for me, I will find my back to you as well. I am there if you are as I am just existing deep inside. Please find me and listen to me as I am going to keep you safe and will take you where there is no harm to you, where you won’t be hurt. Take a moment away from everything and everyone, just sit and close your eyes. Think of what makes you smile. It does not have to be a person, any materialistic stuff around you. I am here excited with you when that favourite song of yours comes up and we both just start dancing, if not physically, then inside your heart, in Me. When you do not need anyone, any solutions, anything to keep you smiling and when you are whole just existing in that very moment doing what you love. When you set smaller goals for yourself, when you walk one step at a time, when you touch the wind closely and when you are eating that favourite snack of yours and when you are ready to start it all over again in hope to do different and better for self. Can you hear me then? Can you?

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