Setting the Mind for Change

“If you think, you can do better, then do better. Don’t compete with anyone, just yourself” – Bob Fosse

Whatever you do, sit and reflect on it, and see is it making you more humane? Are you being kind to self and others?

If you think you are, keep doing it. If not, then this is for you.

Once you have started reflecting on to your day, rethinking your reactions to the situations or people which were unfair to you or where you missed to react efficiently, makes you realize the adjustment that is required to be implemented to better the quality of your time and energy, the next step is to analyze how willing you are to make those changes. Do you think you are accepting your mistakes and are willing to make adjustments to your actions? Do you ever sit back to ensure your coping skills to be enough for the life situations that are being dealt with?

Mistake is mis-taking the situation once or twice and if it is happening more often, it is a part of the personality. There is no need to worry about it if we are ready to accept it and make a change within ourselves.

Accepting the mistakes and setting your mind to it, being ready to make a change within yourself is a work half done. Then comes the planning to achieve our goals. See how the situations and people can be approached differently in order to get desired outcomes. Sit back everyday and watch it from afar to see if our actions are actually making any difference and are taking us towards our goals. For an instance, if I am the person who is getting angry more often and is letting it affect my productivity, first thing to be done is to recognize the need to change my behavior. Then, reflect on what are the possible triggers and next is to plan either avoiding or dealing with those triggers with positive approaches. I would look into mirror each time I get angry as nobody prefers the ugly and angry reflection of self. If I choose to deal with it, I would watch myself acting in that situation more closely and if I am able to implement the planned strategies, I would recognize them as well. Believe me, positive changes, even smaller ones, will make you fall in love with yourself even more.

The goal is to aim at it and keep highlighting that in the back of your mind all the time, actions will automatically follow. Keep reminding yourself of the change over and over of what are we becoming by making this change.

I wish you the best on your journey towards the peaceful inside- YOU.

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